The World's Hardest Quiz n°5
par ogrou
6 questions
1. How old is Claudia Schiffer, in the day near ? You have to choose the age of when this quiz was created.
a 16071 days
b 16072 days
c 16073 days
d 16074 days
2. How much measures John William Rogan, in the millimeter near?
a 2,639 meters
b 2,640 meters
c 2,641 meters
d 2,642 meters
3. Calculate 1049 x 17486.
a 18342814
b 18342914
c 18343014
d 18343114
4. True or false ? If you sneeze too hardly, you could break yourselves a coast(rib).
a True
b False
5. What word is written well ?
a Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosi
b Pneumonoultramicroscopicsiicovolcanoconiosis
c Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovlcanoconiosis
d Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
6. The longest animal of the world?
a Giant worm
b Blue whale
c Siphonophore
d Worm lace